What's New
This just in! Red Cedar has earned an Excellent rating on our state report card for the second year in a row!! Join us in congratulating our teachers, staff, and students! This is a huge accomplishment.
Unity Week starts next week. We have a lot of fun activities
The Red Cedar Elementary Ghost Pirates Spirit Night is Tuesday, December 5th. Buy your tickets before they're gone!
Fall Book Fair is coming October 6-13. Check out the website to preview books, set up an eWallet, and shop online.
Congrats to Ms. Garbutt-Cummings for being chosen as one of ten educators from across SC to attend the STAR teacher seminar. She was selected by the Palmetto State Teachers Association through a statewide rigorous application process from more than 550 applicants. We are so proud of you, Ms. Cummings!
Due to the potential of inclement weather, both Back to School Nights have been postponed to next week. Tuesday, September 5 is for pre-k, kindergarten, and 1st grade at 6 or 6:30. Thursday, September 7 is for grades 2-5 at 6 or 6:30.
The Serg Star Readers Challenge starts Friday, September 1. Paperwork and details will be sent home with students. Check out the website for more information. Don't miss out on this fun, rewarding challenge!!
Join us for the STEAM Festival this Saturday, August 26 from 10-3 at the Maritime Center. Wear a Red Cedar shirt so you can spot your fellow Foxes! Visit the website for details!